Validator Engine Message Filters missing some Message Filters

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Validator Engine Message Filters missing some Message Filters

Post by DimitriAus »

I’ve changed <tbody> from Wanning to Error with right click – change message Type to Error. Instead, it start ignore <tbody> and show errors for missing DOCTYPE. Ok, maybe I mistyped and removed DOCTYPE filter from Validator filter list. I even reset Message Filters.
It still ignoring <tbody> showing no errors nor wanning, even when <tbody> random inserted to code or unclosed. It also start ignoring <thead> tag. Yet Message Filter missing thead and tbody filters, the list is empty.
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Albert Wiersch
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Re: Validator Engine Message Filters missing some Message Filters

Post by Albert Wiersch »

Sorry, I don't understand. I need more detailed information.

Can you post/include some small sample documents that I can use to reproduce the problem? Also, can you copy and paste the exact text of the validator message(s) you are referring to? The validator can generate quite a few messages so it is important that I understand exactly which one(s).

Thank you.
Albert Wiersch, CSS HTML Validator Developer • Download CSS HTML Validator FREE Trial
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