CSS HTML Validator - The fast, all-in-one, HTML, CSS, Link, SEO, spelling, and accessibility checker for Windows, & htmlval for Mac and Linux
Home HTML Validator for Mac

CSS HTML Validator for Apple Mac (htmlval)

Use the command line (console) tool htmlval for Mac/macOS to check HTML, CSS, and JSON documents on macOS, and try using it with your favorite Mac editor (see integration with Mac editors).

htmlval is based on the core validation engine in CSS HTML Validator for Windows, which has been ported to macOS.

Note that some features like link checking, spell checking, PHP syntax checking, JavaScript checking, and some other features are currently not available in the macOS port. This is a command line (console) tool for macOS; there is no GUI like in the Windows version.

FREE limited version (arm64/M1/M2/Mx): htmlval for Apple Mac (ARM) Free Limited (v23.04)

Download htmlval for Mac (ARM) FREE Limited VersionHow to Install

FREE limited version (Intel/x86_64): htmlval for Apple Mac (Intel) Free Limited (v23.04)

Download htmlval for Mac (Intel) FREE Limited VersionHow to Install

The FREE limited version of htmlval is fully functional (with no time limit) except for the maximum number of errors and warnings being locked (limited) to 10 each. The FREE limited version is also considered to be the trial version (but it has no time limit).

Download and Install htmlval for Apple Mac

For ARM Macs (i.e. Macs with M1 or M2 processors), download htmlval for Mac (ARM) FREE limited version or download htmlval for Mac (ARM) Paid Version.

For Intel Macs (Macs with Intel processors), download htmlval for Mac (Intel) FREE limited version or download htmlval for Mac (Intel) Paid Version.

After downloading, extract the files. The 'xxxxxx' represents "trial" (for the trial version) or the actual version number (for the paid version). After extraction you'll see a new htmlval directory with the needed files inside.

% tar -xvf htmlval-mac-arm64-xxxxxx.tgz

Next, run the install script as root to copy the files into the proper location. htmlval is copied to /usr/local/bin and htmlvalV240.cfg is copied to /etc/htmlval. See the README file if you want to do a manual install.

# cd htmlval # ./install-htmlval

or (when not root)

% cd htmlval % sudo ./install-htmlval

Example output for Mac trial installation (v23)
user@mac Downloads % tar -xvf htmlval-mac-arm64-free.tgz
x htmlval/
x htmlval/README
x htmlval/install-htmlval
x htmlval/uninstall-htmlval
x htmlval/htmlval
x htmlval/htmlvalV230.cfg
user@mac Downloads % cd htmlval
user@mac htmlval % sudo ./install-htmlval
Congratulations! htmlval is installed; use 'htmlval --help' for usage

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Documentation for htmlval for Apple Mac

The main documentation for htmlval for Linux and htmlval for Mac has been combined into a single htmlval Documentation page.

Uninstalling htmlval for Apple Mac

To uninstall, you can run the uninstall script as root to remove htmlval and htmlvalVXXX.cfg. Then you can manually delete any remaining htmlval folder and htmlval*.tgz file.

# ./htmlval/uninstall-htmlval

or (when not root)

% sudo ./htmlval/uninstall-htmlval

Example output for Apple Mac uninstall (v23+)
user@mac Downloads % sudo ./htmlval/uninstall-htmlval
htmlval is uninstalled

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Buy a License for htmlval for Mac and Linux

If you like what you see and would like to buy a license and support continued development of htmlval, then you can buy a license for CSS HTML Validator Pro for Windows. The Pro edition includes htmlval (but not the Home edition).

You can also buy an htmlval-only license for $79 which includes only the command line (console) tool for both Linux and Mac. IMPORTANT: This htmlval-only license does not include the Windows GUI app.

Buy htmlval-only license ($79)

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Integration with Apple Mac Editors

Below you will find helpful information on using htmlval with various Apple Mac editors. This is a new list and we are adding editors as needed and requested. Is your favorite Apple Mac HTML editor missing or do you have a suggestion for an improvement? If so then please contact us or post in our forum and request that it be added.

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