CSS HTML Validator - The fast, all-in-one, HTML, CSS, Link, SEO, spelling, and accessibility checker for Windows, & htmlval for Mac and Linux
Home Update Email Subscriptions

Set or Update Your Email Subscriptions (for Paid Licenses)

important spam informationIMPORTANT SPAM INFO: If you don't get email from us then make sure email from htmlvalidator.com ( is accepted and check your spam/junk folder (in Gmail you may need to click 'More' to see the spam folder).

*** Do you have a @hotmail, @live, @msn, or @outlook email address or use a Microsoft email service? *** please see this forum post about Microsoft blocking your email. Note that Gmail does not have this problem.

Tell us what subscriptions you'd like. You must opt-in to subscribe (we will never do it for you).

To unsubscribe from all, make sure that all 'opt-in/subscribe' checkboxes are unchecked and then choose Update Subscriptions.

NOTE: If your email address has changed then you can update it by entering your new email address into the 'Update email address to' field. Leave the field empty for no change.

Set or Update Subscriptions