CSS HTML Validator - The fast, all-in-one, HTML, CSS, Link, SEO, spelling, and accessibility checker for Windows, & htmlval for Mac and Linux
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with CSS HTML Validator

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If you want search engines to fully and correctly understand what your website is about then, in addition to having great content, you should also use the proper HTML tags and attributes. This makes SEO right up CSS HTML Validator's alley.

Haven't heard of CSS HTML Validator? It's a commercial desktop software application for Microsoft Windows, and a command line (console) tool for Mac and Linux. It's been helping web developers since 1997, and it can help you with SEO (and more).

We've researched expert SEO advice and strategies, and have taken the best of it and condensed it into a number of important tips, to-do items, and not-to-do items. We then integrated this into CSS HTML Validator's validator messages.

The Home and Pro editions of CSS HTML Validator include search engine optimization (SEO) tips and analysis when this option is enabled in the Validator Engine Options. Keeping SEO messages enabled will help you improve your website's SEO and search engine rankings.

Keyword Density Checking Tool

CSS HTML Validator (Home+ edition) can check a web page's keyword density. This tool can help you optimize a web page for certain keywords and related themes and phrases. Keyword optimization may make it more likely that the page appears in the search results (and appears higher) when the keywords or related phrases are used in a search. However, be sure not to "over-optimize" (unnaturally use too many keywords) or search engines may penalize your website. If a keyword is used too many times then it can look spammy, and search engines don't like spam.

important informationNOTE: Where and how keywords are used is much more important than how many times they are used. Therefore, strive for good placement and natural usage over packing in the keywords.

Find & Fix Broken Links

Use the link checker tool in CSS HTML Validator to check for moved or broken links on your pages. This is important because over time links can change, move or break. Not only are broken links (like 404 page not found errors) annoying to your visitors, search engines may penalize websites that contain broken links. The link checker in CSS HTML Validator will also notify you of permanent and temporary link redirects, as well as miscellaneous server issues that you don't want on your website.

Find & Fix Misspelled Words

Use the spell checker in CSS HTML Validator to check your website for misspelled words which can give a bad impression to your visitors, cause a loss of trust and reputation, increase your website's bounce rate, and even affect search engine rankings. This is because a lot of misspelled words can signal a low quality site. Make sure your website's grammar is correct as well.

SEO Tips and Strategies for Improved Search Rankings

important informationNOTE: Only the engineers behind the "black box" of search engine algorithms can truly know all the details of how pages are ranked, and these details are constantly changing.

Below are some SEO tips and strategies provided by CSS HTML Validator (if SEO checking is enabled). Note that some tips may be debated by SEO experts.

More SEO Resources

Visit the SEO section of our resources page for more helpful SEO related websites, tips, and other resources.