NOTE: The developer information and documentation is ongoing. If you believe that there is anything missing or inaccurate then please contact us.
Additional links:
In v14.03+, there is a new FastCGI (new window) interface that works using a pipe and can be used to interface with the validator engine without the need of loading a DLL into a 3rd party application. This means that it doesn't matter whether the 3rd party app is a 32-bit or 64-bit app (like it would if using the DLL). Furthermore, it's more efficient than making many calls to cmdlineprocessor.exe
NOTE: PhpED v13 (new window) is the first to use this new interface.
with STDIN but without STDOUT and STDERR streams. STDIN will be used as the FastCGI communication pipe.FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST
should set the FCGI_KEEP_CONN
flag appropriately; if it's not set then the program will automatically exit after the request is completed.FASTCGI_STDIN
using UTF16LE:
record and an empty STDIN record to indicate the end of the inputFASTCGI_STDOUT
using UTF16LE:
end-of-line markersCOMMANDLINEARGS
- set this to execute its value as if it were the arguments passed to commandlineprocessor.exe (FASTCGI_STDIN
data must be empty)CSEJOBTYPE
- set to 10 for a CSS style sheet (see CSEJOBTYPE
in csevalidator.h)HWND
- set HWND for things like dialogsSHOWVALIDATOROPTIONSDIALOG
data must be empty)FASTCGI_STDERR
is sent using UTF8 (not UTF16)