CSS HTML Validator - The fast, all-in-one, HTML, CSS, Link, SEO, spelling, and accessibility checker for Windows, & htmlval for Mac and Linux
Home TopStyle Info
important spam informationTopStyle was not developed by, and is not supported by, the makers of CSS HTML Validator. CSS HTML Validator is still actively maintained, but TopStyle is not.

TopStyle Information

TopStyle development and support has ended but you can still download TopStyle.

Download TopStyle

You can download the TopStyle setup at the Internet Archive.

Then please download the latest TopStyle hot-fix:

  1. Download the latest hot-fix.


    Bug: Find/Replace in Files (Shift+Ctrl+F) might mistakenly select an incorrect line (and column) number when a match has been found in a UTF8 document. Fixed.

    Bug: when you validate a HTML5 doc with the W3C validator, then the following error appears: HTTP Error 12168. Fixed.

  2. The download is a zip file, not a true install. Unzip this file to your desktop.
  3. Launch Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.

    Windows 10 and newer systems:

    Press the Windows key and start typing "command prompt". When Command Prompt appears, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.

    On older systems:

    Click Start (or equivalent), and locate the Command Prompt menu item (it might be buried deep inside Accessories under All Programs). Right click on Command Prompt. On the pop-up right click context menu, select Run as Administrator.

  4. Enter this into the Command Prompt:

    32-bit Windows operating systems:

    copy "%userprofile%\desktop\TopStyle5.exe" "%programfiles%\TopStyle 5"

    64-bit Windows operating systems:

    copy "%userprofile%\desktop\TopStyle5.exe" "%programfiles(x86)%\TopStyle 5"

    For best results, copy the above to your clipboard, then right-click in Command Prompt, then select Paste.

    When Command Prompt asks you to overwrite TopStyle5.exe, then press y.

  5. Delete TopStyle5.exe from your desktop:

    del "%userprofile%\desktop\TopStyle5.exe"

Screenshot of the Command Prompt showing the commands

Buy TopStyle

Sorry, TopStyle is no longer available for purchase.

The demo you download(ed) is also the registered version - there are no deliverables. A license key is what will unlock TopStyle from demo mode and allow you to use it without nag screens.

You don't need to download another version, you only need the license key. For best results, copy-and-paste the license key from the e-mail message you received from us when you bought TopStyle.


A public TopStyle support forum is available. However, the TopStyle forum is read-only and cannot be posted to because new support is no longer available.

Release Notes